3 min read

Delivery Hero Uses Provisional Push to Boost Reachable Users by 36%

Delivery Hero Uses Provisional Push to Boost Reachable Users by 36%


Increase of Push-Enabled Users

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When Apple opens a door, you probably should walk through it. So when iOS 12 changed the way apps get push notification permissions from their users, Delivery Hero decided to take action. With the help of Braze, the Berlin-based food-delivery company wasted no time bringing together teams to take advantage of the new development in a staple messaging channel.

Delivery Hero: Hungry for More

Operating in over 40+ countries in Europe, Asia, and the Americas, Delivery Hero constantly looks for engaging ways to deliver value to their users. Part of that strategy relies on a flexible and creative approach that allows new technology to shape and evolve messaging campaigns.

In late 2019, Apple made a drastic change to how it asks users to enable push notifications. Historically, when users download an app, they’re often prompted to enable or disable push notifications immediately, even before they’ve seen what the app has to offer. With the release of iOS 12, Apple instituted Provisional Authorization—now, brands could send the first push notification without authorization and have an opportunity to demonstrate the value of their messages. Users then decide if they want to keep receiving push from that app.

With the change and Braze support, Delivery Hero saw an opportunity to increase their reachable user base for Talabat, their brand in the Middle East. They created an in-app message (IAM) with an animated GIF that showed users how to reveal the “first” push they sent with iOS 12 and how to update their settings to opt in for more.

Delivery Hero utilized an in-app message to show customers of its Middle Eastern brand, Talabat, how to reveal the first push notification sent with iOS 12.

They set up a user onboarding flow in Canvas, the Braze platform’s customer journey tool and, using native Braze filtering, they targeted users on iOS 12 and above that hadn’t opted in for push. As Delivery Hero served customers who speak different languages, they used Liquid personalization to determine which language to send the message in.

Delivery Hero Results: Increase in Reachable iOS Base

From the moment the campaign went live, Delivery Hero saw a huge uplift in push notification send-out volumes. Overall, they saw a 36% increase in their reachable iOS base, allowing them to make wider, more effective use of this key messaging channel to keep users informed and engaged.

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"This Provisional Authorization Support from Braze fostered some great cooperations between Marketing and Product departments, and we're certainly happy with the results,” said Henry Soysa, CRM Tech Specialist, Delivery Hero.

Final Note

By staying ahead of expansions in technology, Delivery Hero was able to easily increase their audience and set up future push and cross-channel campaigns for success. This simple-to-execute strategy also helps to increase customer lifetime value and general loyalty by opening up the lines of communication.

For more on how to get the most value out of your push notifications, check out our Push Notifications Essential Guide.


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