Financial Services

Deliver customer-centric experiences backed by best-in- class data and security


Boost mobile app adoption and lifetime value with data-driven marketing

Payomatic used Braze to bolster its digital capabilities as it transformed its traditional brick-and-mortar business, delivering personalized messages at key moments during the customer journey and driving a 32% increase in direct deposit adoption within its app.

a phone with a payomatic advertisement on it
“Because we now rely on a cloud-based, 360-degree view of our customer, we’ve become much better at collecting actionable insights that improve future campaigns and help us increase customer lifetime value.”
CIO of Payomatic

Drive more conversions with cohesive customer experiences fueled by real-time streaming data

With a tech stack based on streaming data, the fully-mobile bunq used Braze, Segment, and Mixpanel to better segment, target, and engage users, reducing churn by 17%.

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Build trust with your customers by creating valuable, frictionless journeys

Singapore-based digital wealth platform Endowus uses Braze to test and experiment in audience segments from different channels based on custom events and attributes in order to launch effective customer journeys while decreasing time spent building campaigns.

a graphic showing a person putting coins into a piggy bank

The State of Customer Engagement in Financial Services (2024)


Of financial institutions use first-party data in their customer engagement programs


Of financial services companies use A/B tests to introduce new ideas and measure results, the highest percentage of any industry


Of financial institutions segment customers on a real-time basis as new inputs are collected, the highest rate for any vertical

Customer engagement pays off for financial services


Increase in 3-month rolling retention with cross-channel messagingFinancial startups are making messages more valuable by leveraging in-product and out-of-product channels together


Longer average user lifetime with cross-channel messagingBrands that lean on a single-channel strategy run the risk of missing the opportunity to meet consumers where they are

Join the movement to journey orchestration.

The move to highly-intelligent, always-on journey orchestration is happening. And much of it is happening on our platform. Join brands of all sizes who are taking the craft of customer engagement to the next level.