Be Absolutely Engaging.

Optimize ad targeting. Minimize marketing spend.

Put every campaign dollar to good use by leveraging first-party customer data to dynamically target and trigger paid ads.

a sign up for text messages advertisement for kitchenerie

Unify owned and paid channels with media Audience Sync.

Increase ad conversions

Drive incremental revenue by serving more relevant ads on leading platforms.

Eliminate ad spend waste

Dynamically suppress ads for audiences that have already converted.

Securely sync user data

Reduce risk with automated, encrypted syncs between systems.

Connect your marketing

Create a cohesive customer experience across your acquisition and retention teams.

Increase ad conversions

Deliver ads that really resonate.

Targeted customer acquisition

Create lookalike audiences of your highest-performing segments to find new customers who look just like your most valuable existing ones.

Relevant ads for every audience

Drive more conversions by triggering ads that are personally relevant to customers based on their individual behaviors and preferences—without relying on third-party cookies.

Re-engagement on the right channels

When customers can’t be reached on owned channels, easily re-engage them on paid networks.

a phone screen shows a message from flash & thread

Eliminate ad spend waste

Stop sending ads to customers you already have.

Triggered ad suppression

Drive down customer acquisition costs by automatically suppressing paid campaigns as soon as a customer places an order, upgrades their service, or completes another conversion.

Engagement on more cost-effective channels

Once a user converts on a paid channel, move the conversation to more cost-effective owned marketing channels like email, mobile, and web.

Targeting for higher conversions

Spend on the audiences that have the highest ROI potential. Target ads to users based on their purchase propensity, recent actions, and other signals that they're primed to convert.

a phone screen shows a message from sandwich emperor

Connect your marketing

Collaborate more efficiently.

Comprehensive engagement platform

Coordinate cross-channel journeys across paid and owned channels all in one place. Acquisition and retention teams work together in one solution to stay in sync on shared audiences, campaigns, and marketing goals.

Robust partner ecosystem

Activate first-party customer data across all of the most popular advertising destinations, like Meta, Google, Pinterest, Snapchat, TikTok, and Criteo.

Secure and automated syncs

Safeguard customer data and reduce the risk of manually mishandling Personal Identifiable Information (PII) with encrypted syncs between Braze and advertising platforms.

a screenshot of a text message between cashblaster and carla john

Are you a channel short and a dollar late?

Braze operates with sub-second latency—not batch-and-blast—so you can generate the right engagement in the right moment to yield the most valuable results.